CACS Training

Our CACS Training Service


The objective of the training is to pass the examination. Therefore, besides focusing on the given IBF study guides and practical market data and materials, mock questions will be practiced and discussed during the training sessions and many more mock examination questions will be handed out as home work.

I do not have any fixed date for these training; every class I conduct will be specially arranged with you to suit your work or travel schedules. I usually conduct training from 9.30am – 12noon, 2.30pm – 5pm or 5.30pm – 8pm on weekdays, however weekends and other time slots are possible too. Please note that each paper will need about 4 to 6 training sessions of 2.5 hours per session.

Please contact me if you want to know more details or you have any specific question concerning the examinations.


The quality of my training and passing rate of the people I have trained sets me apart from other coaches in the market. I GUARANTEE your passing of the examination. That is, if you engage my training services and for whatever circumstances fail your exam, I will continue to coach you until you pass for NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE!